First National Exhibition @ Lalit Kala - New Delhi

How one should react on a news that his or her work is selected for National Level competition conducted by Lalit Kala Akademi - New Delhi?

 Yeah, I felt good when I received one mail from Lalit Kala Akademi asking me to send the original artwork for the second round of jury. But I was not so excited that time, for being shortlisted, as my mind was saying that it’s not a big thing. It might be because I did not want to send my entry this time. I send my work at the last moment with a thought that nothing would happen. I remember, one of my professors, ex HoD, department of Art Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, Mr. M.G. Kidwai, used to tell me that all these competitions are like winning a lottery ticket. Sending your entry just means that you are buying a lottery ticket and you will not win the lottery until and unless you don’t buy one. He motivated me  always  to send the entries for awards and competitions. 

When I read this article in The Hindu, dated March 20, 2014 stating that out of this mind-boggling number of 6,583 artworks only 168 artists were shortlisted for the final jury and I was one of them, I realized that I should cherish what life gave me. It’s not something big that I achieved but it is something good enough to keep me moving and motivating me on my journey towards my search.

I couldn't attend the exhibition opening due to some priorities in Hyderabad, but my heart was there. I was very curious about how my work would be displayed there and how people would be reacting on seeing the political comment in my work. Two days back when I received photographs of the show I felt so delighted and blessed. It assured me that I am moving on the right path. The path which is giving me satisfaction, happiness and a sense of oneness (with my work).  
Extreme Right : 'Who Will Dare To Pull'
photo courtesy : Amrita Kumari (MFA - Jamia Millia Islamia)

And at the end I would like to thank my friend Vanessa Saraceno, a Professional curator, who saw potential in my works and encouraged me to keep working.

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